Light of Knowledge

Light of Knowledge
Lets Spread the Light of Wisdom

4 October 2012

Week : 1 Retrospecting

"The woods are lovely dark and deep,
               but i have promises to keep,
  The Miles to go before I sleep,
  the miles to go before I sleep."

                                                                                        - Robert Frost


I, Tushar welcome you to my blog and express my gratitude for considering it worth. The feeling among all the participants i guess is same this first week. Little bit excited and somewhat confused. Its for the first time i am creating a blog. It appears tough but i am sure i will get-through.

Believe me every long journey begins with a small step.

This first week start has been beyond my perceptions. I was actually not anticipating so much of guidance and help every step but self introduction, efficiency survey, freezing on discussion rules, and now creating blog.... great start, isnt it? Thanks to all dear classmates and Robert.

Being a lecturer in English, I have always faced it from people who think that the people with English literature background are not close to technology. Its not totally true but not false also.

I have always been techno-savvy/gizmo freak since long. But its for the first time i am receiving an exposure into how that energy and efficiency can be directed toward "teaching effectively".

I strongly believe that the Falling down is not a failure but not trying to get up is surely one. The person who never fails in life surely must not have done anything new ever. I teach under graduate and post graduate level students. I cant change the existing education system and hence i developed my own parallel system which can actually educate them and not just literate.

Teaching a poem is not enough but helping the student being a poet should be the goal. Bringing entire world into small compartment of four wall is difficult but not impossible. Classroom is a place with four walls and a tomorrow inside.

I am happy that the University of Oregon gave me an opportunity which will help me enhance my communicative skills by adding technological aspect to what i do.

I think teachers are towers of nations and pillars of society. A teacher must be first of all a fantastic human that a content master. Much has been said about might of the pen that a pen is mightier than a cannon.

I look forward to making friends with such stalwart human beings from across the world.

Thanks for Reading,
Keep Moving to keep living...


  1. Hello Tushar- Nice journal entry, and your blog looks very nice. I agree with your theme here that we need to keep evolving as teachers in order to thrive. But I think it was Robert Frost who wrote your quote, not Wordsworth.

    1. Hello Robert,You really deserve a great accolade as its really tough to handle so many people same time and keep motivating the on-goers and helping slow-coachs.

      Thank you for all your guidance.

  2. Hello Tushar,

    Happy to meet seniors online and learn from them. I like Robert frost's poems, particularly "The Road not Taken"

  3. Tushar,
    your blog looks very good. I like the survey on it, that must be difficult to do.
    There are lots of very deep ideas in your post. It is very philosophical and thoughtful.

    1. Thank you Liliana,
      Your certain observaions are commendable


  4. Hello Tushar,

    Congratulations on that catchy title and blog. You have deep thoughts about teaching. I do share you teaching literature from which we learn the language out of the mouth of the native speaker and from which we learn to appreciate the aesthetic values of the language.

    All the best


  5. Hi Tushar,
    Thank you for starting your blog with a reminder of what our mission is (I'm sure it applies to Mrs Teacher as well). I share your teaching philosophy and I think that like you I will teach more efficiently thanks to this course. Be sure that I'll keep moving.

    1. Hey thanks for good words,
      I coudnt find much time to see ur blog but will see in a while.

      Keep in touch,
      Take care

  6. Hello Tushar,

    Congratulations for creating an interesting blog. I agree that teachers are pillars of society so they have to be in tune with the times. There is no doubt that technology is a useful tool to oneself updated.

    All the best


    1. Thank you so much for your good words Ma'am,


  7. Hi Mr. Teacher,

    I liked the aesthetic and content quality of your blog. One candle lighting another candle speaks volumes and is reflecting Indian philosophy of TAMASO MA JYOTIRGAMAYA. It means: “Oh, Almighty! Please lead us from darkness to eternal light”
    I also liked all thoughts or reflections posted on it. I think I have learned a good lot from your ideals and philosophies. I also like the fabric and texture of your language.
    Although in India, we do not have real Fall, I can breathe Fall freshness in your blog. It seems that you might have been as colourful as the Fall generally is.

    Jit Shalin

    1. Hi Jitshalin,

      Thank you for your good words.
      Its sheer humility to appreciate my philosophy or texture of presentation.
      I am sure no one can beat your weaving of web-blog.
      You appear tobe widely travelled and much exposed to a"wide wide world".
      Your blog and submissions are of quite high standards grabbing freshness of falls from all cultures.

      True that we dont have fall in india but you have sharp sniffing of spring in advance which is a predominant season here.

      Have a great time,
